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 Redbook audio CDs are 441KHz, 16 bit, stereo, while Blurays (or DVDs) can contain many different formats I have some which are 96KHz, 24 bit, 51 surround So technically Blurays can hold higher quality audio Certainly if you have surround speakers the Bluray will have a clear advantage, but in stereo the higher bit depth and sample rateDisc will not play in Bluray player There are several reasons a disc may not play in the Bluray player A dirty or scratched disc is the most obvious cause, but an incorrect region code or configuration of your home theater system can be the reason as well Whether you're having trouble with 4K or 3D, Bluray or DVD, there is a fix Looking to buy a Blu Ray player Currently have a DVD player which can upscale my existing DVD picture to 1080i/p via its HDMI connection A couple of questions 1 Will buying a Blu Ray player give me better a picture quality on my existing DVD's or will it be the same quality via my DVD player upscaling facility 2 Hd Dvd V...